You can use this interface to quickly create a website from a set of available templates. This allows visitors to see some basic information while you continue to develop your website.
Step 1: Choose a domain name. This option will be active, if you have multiple domain attached to same account, else you cannot configure this option.
Step 2: Select a website template. The template that you select determines which content you will enter in the next step.
Right now the available templates are:
a) Personal: Single page personal site
b) About Me: Single page ‘About Me’ site
c) Under Construction: Single page under construction site
d) Business: Single page business site
Once, you have selected a template, proceed to next step.
Step 3: Customize the template and publish it. If you complete this step, you made a website now.
Site Publisher is useful to keep a landing page, until your website is available for public users. Use this option to make a quick web page and keep your domains look good.
Watch the video below, to see a demo of how site publisher works in CPanel Web Hosting.